Costs Structure

Costs founding in Bulgaria

The costs for the establishment of a Bulgarian company are very low compared to other European countries. This also makes a Bulgarian GmbH extremely interesting for small business owners, the self -employed and freelancers.

Unique and running costs of the company foundation

With our founding packages, all costs for the establishment of the company in Bulgaria are basically covered. Below is a compilation of the unique and running costs of the company foundation and company management:

Founding costs

Testing and applying for the company name

Creation and translation of the founding documents

Deposit and certification of the share capital

State fees

Notarial certification in Bulgaria

Entry in the Bulgarian Commercial Register

Creation of the translations of all documents

Registration/applying for EU

Additional onetime startup costs

Share capital

Notary costs at your suburb

Running costs after foundation

Rental costs for the company headquarters

Ongoing bookkeeping

Account management costs (bank)

Office service and post forwarding

Annual financial statements

Social security contributions for managing directors

Thanks to our service, you have a very low administrative effort with regard to the foundation. Depending on the startup package, you will receive a turnkey and capable of action in Bulgaria from us.

Startup costs

The cost of founding the company in Bulgaria essentially consisted of the following points:

• Legal fees for the creation of the founding documents such as founding contracts, shareholder contract and shareholder decision for the appointment of the managing director

• Notary costs for the notifications and certification

• State fees

• Costs for entries, registrations and applications from the various authorities

• Bank costs for share capital deposit

• Costs for the creation of the opening balance

• Costs for the official translations

• Costs for the associated workload

Shared capital contribution of a Bulgarian GmbH

The share capital contribution for the foundation of a Bulgarian GmbH (OOD/EOOD) has been reduced to just 1 euro (2 Leva) since 2019. However, we urgently recommend a share capital contribution of at least 50 euros.

Notary costs at your suburb

The notary costs are specified by the Court and Notary Costs Act. For the foundation of the company in Bulgaria, it is only necessary to notarize your signature. The fifth fee is incurred for this. The emergency fee is therefore a fifth of the normal fee rate. In Germany, at least 20 euros and a maximum of 70 euros are incurred for the notarial certification of a signature (plus VAT).

Rental costs, office service and post forwarding

In order not to give the appearance of a mailbox company and to enable ongoing business operations, a decent company headquarters with a functioning infrastructure is extremely important. You cover the costs for rent and office service with mail forwarding.

Costs for ongoing bookkeeping in Bulgaria

The costs for the bookkeeping in Bulgaria are usually calculated according to the number of individual booking items. In addition, there are costs for personnel book management with the settlement of social security contributions and the costs for the annual financial statements.

Social security contributions in Bulgaria

A Bulgarian GmbH (OOD/EOOD) must always have one employee at least. As a rule, this is the managing director. The statutory social security contributions are incurred for this. The non -wage costs in Bulgaria are also incurred if you as the managing director do not pay for any salary. However, only in the minimum amount of approx. 80 euros per month.

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